
Watch: Salma Mumin causes confusion online with her Bå ck.sįde in viral Video

The prying eyes of daily on social media on has seen a post of Ghanaian actress, Abdul Mumin Umu Salma Tando known in the showbiz industry as Salma Mumin.

Actress Salma Mumin archives the glam and leaves her to make fans in confusion mood as she thr0ws to their faces some h3avy b@ckside.

The Ghanaian actress is one of the few heavily gifted with natural Botox.

She was spotted in Istanbul, Turkey as she was taking the pictures and the snaps with her IPhone 12 pro.

She captioned the pictures as “Feeling Fat I need to Hit the gym ASAP”.

Recently, during her beef with Moesha Buodong, she accused her of engaging in artificial tactics to raise high the natural g00dies

Whatever be the case, the Bortoz isn’t a bad one.

Watch the Video and pictures in Below link;

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