
JUST IN: Biometric Device To Be Use From Next Year To Track Teachers’ Attendance, Clock In & Out System To Begin Next Year–[Check Details]

The Government together with the Ghana Education Service(GES) will from 2023 academic year track teachers’ attendance using a biometric device.

Though this biometric attendance tracking system is not designed for only teachers, it’s a new way of tracking all Government workers’ attendance at the workplace.

Below is the summary report from orientation meeting about the biometric clock-In system.

The system will be managed by 7 primary administrators namely:

  1. RCD
  2. Deputy director
  3. Internal Auditor
  4. HR
  5. MIS
  6. Statistician
  7. Finance Officer

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This system is expected to commence fully within the first week in January 2023.

NB: This system will be linked to Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD)

  • Staff are expected to clock-in 4 times daily:
  1. 6am to 8am – Clock-In
  2. 12:30pm – Clock out
  3. 1:30pm – Clock-in
  4. 5pm- Clock out
  • If for any reason you couldn’t Clock in during the 2nd and 3rd time, we will be trained on how to Clock in with our phones.
  • The system will cater for overtime which starts at 6pm each day. Before overtime allowance will reflect on your payslip it has to be approved by your HoD|HoU.
  • If you are working in the office after 6pm do not Clock out and Clock in again. Just finish with your work and Clock out.
  • Night security will Clock 4 times thus:
  1. 6pm Clock-In
  2. 12:30am
  3. 1:30am
  4. 6am Clock out
  • 3 months maternity leave and 10 working days paternity leave.
  • Casual workers who are not paid by GoG (cleaners and labourers) will Clock-In from 6am to 8am.
  • Cleaners and labourers who are paid by GoG will Clock-In at 6am and Clock out at 12:30pm.
  • Departments like environmental health and social welfare will Clock-In once in a week. This is due to their field work. They will Clock-In with their phones during field work.
  • A unique USSD code will be used to Clock-In so any type of phone can be used.
  • In terms of workshop, seek permission from RCD, Deputy director or HR to notify the system before you leave.
  • If you apply for leave, HR will notify the system when your leave begins and when you are to resume from leave.
  • Breastfeeding mothers will Clock-In at 9am and Clock out at 3:30pm.
  • If you are going out officially as a driver and do not know when you’ll return kindly seek permission from any of the 7 primary administrators.


  • Each staff will produce a monthly report from next year onwards.
  • The device will work 24/7. Either there’s power or no power.
  • You’ll be paid according to your punctuality at work. It’s pay as you go.
  • If You’re engaged by any officer for his or her personal reasons it is not considered as overtime.

NB: There will be another training session for all staff.

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